Nov 10, 2018 | LADonnelly | 3525 views
Congratulations Kellie Hayman!
Earlier this week the Kawartha Lakes Sports and Recreation Council held their annual volunteer recognition dinner where our very own Kellie Hayman was nominated for Volunteer of the Year.
Kellie currently holds the position of ice scheduler on the Lynx Executive and is responsible for organizing our many teams ice times. Prior to this as House League Convenor Kellie was instrumental in growing our program from two to five teams spanning four divisions. Kellie also ran a new development stream program for Atom level players looking to make the leap from House League to Rep. In addition to this she has served as trainer and is currently the Manager of the Bantam B Rep team.
Thank you so much Kellie for all your hard work and dedication to the Lynx and congratulations on your much deserved nomination!