Below is important information for those who are new to the sport of hockey and just getting started:
Choosing your programming:
The following equipment is required for all hockey players:
Hockey Helmet (with full face cage or shield)
Neck Guard
Shoulder Pads & Chest Guard
Elbow Pads
Hockey Gloves
Hockey Jill (pelvic protection)
Hockey Pants
Knee Guards
Hockey Skates (sharpened) & Skate Guards
Hockey Socks & Hockey Jersey
Mouth Guard (these can be pre-formed from your dentist or a mouthguard clinic or most sports stores have mouthguards for sale that can be formed at home)
If your player/goalie wears glasses, please speak to your optometrist about shatterproof lenses
And Don't Forget!:
Hockey Socks
Hockey Stick
Hockey Bag
Sports Water Bottle (clearly labeled with your child’s name)
The following equipment is required for all hockey goaltenders :
Goalie Helmet*
Goalie Neck Shield (“Dangler”)
Neck Guard
Goaltender Chest guard
Catcher Glove & Blocker
Hockey/Goalie Jill (pelvic protection)
Hockey/Goalie Pants**
Hockey Socks and/or tights
Knee Guards
Goalie Pads
Goalie Skates
Mouth guard
Goalie Stick
Hockey Bag
Water Bottle
*in some cases a player helmet with full face cage is accepted, with a proper goalie “dangler” attached
**for younger recreational players, hockey pants may be acceptable
When in doubt, always check with your coach & trainer to ensure that you have the appropriate & proper fitted equipment!
If purchasing gently used equipment or receiving hand-me-downs, please ensure the following:
Equipment is in good condition & free from major wear n’ tear (inspect for cracks in helmets, large rips, broken straps/buckles, torn Velcro, missing armor, etc)
Equipment fits properly (equipment that is too big or too small will not safely protect your player)
Pay attention to expiry dates on items such as helmets
Have your new player try on their hockey gear at home a few times to get the feel of it before arriving at the arena for the first time. Here’s a few great videos showing how to dress your new hockey player:
How To Put on Player’s Gear Video:
How to put on Goalie Gear Video:
Age Division Name Changes:
As of the 2020-2021 Season, Hockey Canada changed the minor hockey age division names to the system we see now:
Former Division Name
New Division Name
U9 (Under 9)
U11 (Under 11)
U13 (Under 13)
U15 (Under 15)
U18 (Under 18)
Fundraising & Volunteers:
2 crucial elements every minor hockey association requires: Fundraising & Volunteers!
Fundraising Activities & Sponsorships help keep organizational costs down, which helps us to offer competitive registration fees to our members
All Lynx Team Bench Staff are trained & certified and are required to provide up to date Vulnerable Sector Police Record checks annually.
And we’re always in need of parent volunteers to help with organization events & fundraising!
Contact us for more info on sponsorship opportunities and volunteer positions available
Respect In Sport:
At least 1 parent must complete this online Respect in Sport course before your child will be rostered to a team
Website & Social Media:
The LGHA Website is a great resource for info, events, and to view your child’s ice time schedules
Don’t forget to follow us on FACEBOOK & Instagram!

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