Sep 28, 2020 | KVokins | 813 views
Message from the Executive explaining Fees for the 2020/21 season
Lynx parents
Hockey is going to be different this year, however the expenses associated with getting our girls back on the ice playing the game they love will not be different and remain high for the organization.
The Lynx executive has been faced with the same insurance and OWHA fees as in the past. There will be the cost of officials and of course Ice rentals are a huge expense. Furthermore this year PPE has had to be purchased for our trainers and trainers kits.
On top of all that we will not be able to count on our normal fundraising events that we have throughout the season.
Last season registration fees for house league were $450 and rep was $850. This year we are taking a calculated risk and reducing fees as much as we can. House league will be $400 and Rep $750 ( however rep players have already played $100 so they now each owe $650).
Thank you for your understanding , we are doing our best to get the girls back on the ice during these challenging times.
Thank you
Lynx executive