Q and A regarding upcoming season, News (Lindsay Lynx)

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Aug 07, 2021 | kvokins | 747 views
Q and A regarding upcoming season
Q  When will registration start?
 There is an association meeting with OWHA early next week, as well as a Lynx Executive meeting, after those meetings we hope to open the Lynx Registration link for the 2021-2022 season.  Please look for it and other updates on our website by next weekend. 

Q  How do I register my daughter?
 The registration link will be posted on our website. You will be asked whether you are registering for house league or rep.  Tryouts are permitted this year so if your daughter is interested in trying out please select rep.

Q  When will Tryouts take place?

A  We expect that Tryouts will take place in early September.


Q  What will the registration costs for Lynx be this season?

A  The Lynx executive always strives to keep hockey registration fees as low as possible, with the bulk of the costs being related to ice rental, referees and insurance for hockey players and bench volunteers.  When the costs associated with the 2021-2022 season are finalized, the registration fees will be communicated on our website.  

Each OWHA association received a small refund from OWHA for the 2020-2021 season-- $12.71 per player.  This refund will be applied to the 2021-2022 season for all returning players.  Any Lynx who played in the 2020-2021 season but are not returning may contact the Lynx treasurer at [email protected] and arrange for an e-transfer of the $12.71--please note in the subject line :LYNX REFUND


What will hockey look like this season?

The Lynx Executive continues to work with and follow the direction of the OWHA, our local health unit and our Municipality in planning for our hockey season.  At this time, we are hopeful for 5 on 5 hockey (not modified) with league play and provincials in early April 2022.  OWHA has approved tryouts and is looking at a regular 22 game season.  However, depending on COVID there could be restrictions resulting in disruptions in the 2021-2022 season.  There are no guarantees on a full regular hockey season.

If there are disruptions or cancellations, refunds will be based on ice times used or paid for by the Lynx organization.


Q  If my daughter is under the age of 6 years can she register and play Lynx hockey?

A  The Lynx executive has to get permission from OWHA for anyone under the age of 6 years to play, which takes time and is at their discretion based on a number of factors.

Please note:  Other than during Tryouts, players will not be permitted on the ice prior to the Lynx organization receiving a first payment.

Please remember that all the Lynx Executive are volunteers, and most have full-time jobs.  We are doing our very best to ensure that our girls can continue to play the game they love but we do ask for your understanding and patience again this season as there are still many unknowns.

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