Rep Tryouts - Letter from the Executive, News (Lindsay Lynx)

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May 03, 2023 | Amanda Cowdrey | 1119 views
Rep Tryouts - Letter from the Executive
On behalf of the LGHA Lynx Executive, welcome to the 2023/24 Tryouts! With ice times starting later this week, here are a few friendly reminders:

  • Arrive early for each session to sign in, pick up your player passport card and your scrimmage vest (it needs to be returned each day)
  • All players trying out must have first registered AND paid for a Lynx Tryout Passport before they will be able to step onto the ice
  • Bring a water bottle and a hair elastic (if applicable)
  • Bring your PTT if you are coming from a girls hockey association other than Lynx
  • Each player must attend Tier 1 tryouts unless they have requested a Tier 1 exemption
  • Each player must attend ALL tryouts; if something unexpected comes up you need to email the coach, the President and the OWHA rep ASAP to determine if your player will remain eligible--please refer to our tryout policy

Tryouts can be stressful for everyone involved...from players and parents, to coaches and tryout personnel. Please be supportive, positive and patient with all.


If you have any questions, please first review the Lynx tryout policy and if you still have questions, or concerns, please talk with the tryout director for the age group (see below); or LGHA President, Grant Dafoe, who will be on site as often as possible during the tryouts process.

Please do not approach the coach or any of the evaluators.

Lynx Tryout Directors by Age Division:

U11 - Pippa Stephenson U13 - LeeAnne Grof U15 - Denise Marsh U18 - Kellie Hayman

Thank you and good luck!

LGHA Executive

Follow these links for more info on Lynx 2023-24 Tryouts:


Tryouts Schedule Tryouts Results Page


Tryouts Registration & Info


Print this letter (with QR codes to the above links) for your reference.

John's Quality Auto
U15B Team Sponsor
Barnes Mechanical
Northern Casket
Hartley Heavy Equipment
Durham High Voltage
U18B Team Sponsor
Mc Donald's AtoMc Hockey Program