It’s a Weekend of Pink!
Our Lindsay Lynx U18B Goaltender Alexis Kostashuk has been Stopping Pucks to Save Lives with the October Saves Goalie Challenge & The Canadian Cancer Society
Her goal is to raise over $1500 by stopping 1500 pucks in 30 days! Currently she is at exactly 1400 pucks stopped to date and is putting the final push on her fundraising efforts to reach her monetary goal of $1500 by Oct.31st
Help support our Local Lynx Goaltender Alexis & the Canadian Cancer Society by giving generously at these community events this weekend:
Saturday October 28th 8am - 12noon: Lynx October Saves Tent at the Lindsay Farmer’s Market
It’s the final market of the season and it’s Trick or Treat time!
Together with her Lindsay Lynx peers, Alexis will be accepting donations in person dressed in her fully pinked up goaltending gear! Make a donation and receive some treats!
Sunday October 29th 4:30pm Lindsay Rec Complex: U18B Lynx Home Opener vs Ennismore Eagles
In lieu of admission, donations will be graciously accepted at the fundraising table located inside Pad 1
Pink Lynx stickers & Pink ribbon helmet stickers are available to those who make a donation
Let’s fill the Stands and help Alexis reach her goal of $1500 raised!
Wear Pink (or your Lynx jersey) to show your support
Donations can also be made online. Read Alexis’ October Saves Story & Donate Today: CLICK HERE