A reminder to teams that your team budget is due to be submitted to the LGHA by
October 31st 2023.
Please forward your Team Budget to:
LGHA Treasurer - Jolene Phillips treasrer@lgha.net
LGHA 1st VP - Pippa Stephenson vicepresident@lgha.net
The team budget is one of the most important items and it is critical that it is accurate. Following LGHA Executive review of your team budget, and in the interest of transparency, regular team financial statements MUST also be sent to LGHA Executive & your team parents by the 31st day of December and the 31st day of March.
More info regarding Team Budgets, Financial Statements, and links to spreadsheets for teams to use can be found in the LGHA Manager’s Handbook CLICK HERE.
This handbook is always located in the LGHA Website Library under Manager’s Forms.